Under the Rubble

Under the rubble,

Thousands are dead.

Children felled in the name of security. 

More like revenge.

Accidental, they say.

They were just in the way. 

Collateral Damage, nothing more.    

It’s just the price of war.

Is this the peace announced?

Is this the kingdom come?

If not, why do yours not speak? 

Or are they deaf and dumb? 

This cannot be of you.

You, who turned the cheek,

Who rode an asses’ foal,

Who shouted, ‘Drop your sword!’

Who took the nails,

Whose every breath was love?

At Christmas, we long to see,

But how can we recognize,

When those who bear your name,

Sing as children die?

Or worse, the bombs supply.

Are we looking in the wrong place?

Convinced through sleight of hand,

To look among the victors,

The strong, the safe. 

Those who ‘bravely’ stand.

When you are, in fact,

Where you’ll always be.

Where you choose although you’re free.

Crying in our agony.

Under the Rubble.

Under Christ’s Mercy,


Art courtesy of Kelly Latimore. Inspired by Christians in Bethlehem who placed the Christ statue under the rubble this Christmas in honor of the lives lost in Gaza. When asked where God is as Gaza is being bombed, Pastor Munther Isaac replied, ‘God is under the rubble.’ Prints available at kellylatimoreicons.com