A Christian ‘To Do’ List in the Event Trump/Biden Wins

God is our refuge and strength…therefore we will not fear, though the mountains should fall into the heart of the sea – Psalm 46:1

Well, it’s Election Day, and like many of you, I enter this day with a certain level of anxiety.  Many have said this is the most important election since 1860, and although I think that is something of an exaggeration (1876 was pretty big too!) there is no doubt that a lot rides on the outcome.  Regular readers of this blog know that I certainly have my choice in this contest, along with a host of fears concerning what might happen should that choice not prevail.  What will I do if it doesn’t?  What will life be like if the country descends into the pit of despair I imagine will happen if the other side (Trump and Trumpism) wins?  What will happen to the country?  To my family?  To the vulnerable among us?  To the witness of the Church? 

Such thoughts stand a good chance of keeping me up most of the night, even though I would prefer to go to bed early and skip the whole election night drama.  Heck, it may be days or even weeks before we know anyway.  Wait, what?  Days!  Weeks!  Aye carumba!  How can I get by day to day during such a prolonged holding period!  I need to know!  I need to know so I can figure out what to do on the other side of this election!  In the words of Charlie Brown, ‘AAGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!’

Oh foolish me.  Truth is I already know what I will do.  In fact, I know so well I made a list, well, two lists.  One to remind me of the things I, as a follower of Jesus, will need to do in the event Trump wins the election.  Another to remind me of the things I, as a follower of Jesus, will need to do in the event Biden wins the election.  I think these lists may help some of you as much as they are helping me.  And so, here they are:

List One – Things to do if Trump wins the election

  1. Hope
  2. Pray
  3. Stand against racism and bigotry
  4. Speak up for immigrants and refugees
  5. Care for Creation
  6. Advocate for and serve the poor and vulnerable
  7. Speak truth
  8. Do justice
  9. Love God
  10. Love my family
  11. Love my neighbors
  12. Love my enemies
  13. Seek the Kingdom
  14. Anticipate the return of Jesus
  15. Point people to Jesus

Yes, should Trump win, it will be important, as in life and death important, to do all these things.  On to list two:

List Two – Things to do if Biden wins the election

  1. Hope
  2. Pray
  3. Stand against racism and bigotry
  4. Speak up for immigrants and refugees
  5. Care for Creation
  6. Advocate for and serve the poor and vulnerable
  7. Speak truth
  8. Do justice
  9. Love God
  10. Love my family
  11. Love my neighbors
  12. Love my enemies
  13. Seek the Kingdom
  14. Anticipate the return of Jesus
  15. Point people to Jesus

Get the picture?

The truth is, no matter who wins this election, the mission of those who follow Jesus will not change.  We will still live in a world that is broken and in need of a Savior.  We will still need to live as the advance echoes of the world that is to come.  We will still need to stand at the crossroads of culture and show the world the peculiar way of God’s people.  True enough, some of the things on the list will perhaps be more or less challenging depending on who wins.  But the mission will not change at all. 

And that gives me hope today.  No matter what happens tonight, even should the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, God remains our refuge and strength.  Jesus remains our Lord and Savior.  The Kingdom remains the place of our citizenship.  And the mission is the same. 

I still may stay up awhile to see what happens, but knowing this, I can face tomorrow, no matter what it brings.  

I hope you can too. 

Under Christ’s Mercy,
