The Politics of Christmas

‘At that time, the Roman Emperor, Augustus, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Empire…’ – Luke 2:1

The second chapter of Luke’s Gospel contains the most widely remembered account of Jesus’ birth.  Linus Van Pelt likely has something to do with its fame.  For many of us, it just doesn’t feel like Christmas until we hear the story. 

We can imagine the scene unfolding before our eyes.  There’s Mary and Joseph, racing into the ‘little town of Bethlehem,’ unable to find room at the inn – though they were more likely in a relatives’ home, just downstairs with the animals.  Still, it’s a comfy, cozy scene, as Jesus is born into the midst of domestic tranquility – though he really wasn’t.  Births are hardly tranquil events.  But never mind, there’s baby Jesus, all swaddled and warm, radiant beams emanating from his holy face – well, not really.  OK, so maybe the way we imagine Luke’s scene is off a bit, but it’s still a wonderful story – the story of the Living God, the One through whom all things were made, becoming flesh to dwell among us.  And of course, adding to the wonder is the presence of the shepherds, outcasts invited in, after first being ‘sore afraid’ and told by angels that they would find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, complete with a heavenly chorus of ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill to men.’  Yes, that’s what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown.

What’s interesting though, apart from the little things we get wrong, is the part of the story we miss.  Over the years, we listen to sermons on what this story meant to just about everyone involved: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the angels.  Then we branch out into other Nativity-related texts, bringing in the Magi, Herod, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Simeon, Anna.  We even flash ahead and talk about the ministry of John the Baptist from time to time.  But there is one character, prominent in Luke’s account, that we tend to ignore, or, at best, mention briefly without comment.

Augustus Caesar.  He’s part of the Nativity story too.  Augustus was the Emperor of the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus’ birth.  After the death of his adoptive father, Julius Caesar, there had been a power struggle, complete with civil war, throughout the empire.  Eventually Augustus emerged victorious, which brought an end to the strife and ushered in a period known as the Pax Romana, or Roman peace, though it was, in truth, the peace of the oppressor, not the oppressed.  Nonetheless, at least to the Romans, Augustus was a hero.  He was rewarded with absolute power: military, political, and imperial.  He was worshipped and adored as the ‘Son of God’ (yes, that was his title) and everyone was expected to pledge their allegiance to him.  The world moved at his word, the activity in the wake of his order for a census being a case in point.  Augustus said the word, and everyone moved to be registered. If there was one guy on earth of whom it could be said, ‘he holds all the cards,’ it was Augustus Caesar.

The original readers of Luke’s account understood all this.  The mere mention of Augustus in the opening line said it all.  But reading on, by way of contrast, we discover the son of another King.  His name was Joseph, the descendant of David.  You would not have known Joseph was descended from kings by looking at him.  It had been a while since David had been king; his heirs long removed from the throne.  Joseph was a mere craftsman, and an impoverished one at that.  He held no military, political, or imperial power.  He was neither worshipped nor adored.  The world didn’t move for him.  He was one of the ‘moved.’

As was his adopted son to be, Jesus.  Yes, Jesus and Augustus were both adopted into a royal line.  The difference was that while Augustus was adopted into the lap of luxury and power, Jesus was adopted into the lap of poverty and weakness.  The contrast between Augustus and Jesus could not have been starker.   Like I said, in the eyes of the world, Augustus held all the cards.  Jesus held none. 

Which was exactly the way God wanted it.  The way the story unfolds reveals that God arranged for the arrival of His Son (for, after all that’s who Jesus REALLY is) in a manner that might cause us to rethink what power is all about.  Luke tells the story masterfully, using words that, while tame to modern ears after decades of overuse, were, for his first readers, shocking.  The angel brought the shepherds ‘Good News of Great joy.’  Good News.  The Gospel.  In Greek, euangelion.  In the Roman world, that word had a specific meaning.  It referred to an imperial pronouncement, usually accompanied by flags and political ceremony, that an heir to the empire’s throne had been born, or that a distant battle had been won.  The Angel went on to say that someone had indeed been born, calling him both Savior and Lord.  Again, in Rome, these words had specific meaning.  Savior was a title given to – guess who?  Augustus!  He was the one who had healed the chaos of Rome and brought the empire into a golden age.  Lord, as well, was a title for the Supreme Roman ruler.  And then came the song of the heavenly host: ‘Glory to God in the Highest, and peace on earth to those on whom God’s favor rests.’ Similar choruses were sung to Augustus, who, after all, had brought ‘peace’ to the empire.  The words to one such ode were inscribed upon a government building in Asia Minor in 6 BC:

The most divine Caesar…we should consider equal to the Beginning of all things…for when everything was falling into disorder and tending toward dissolution, he restored it once more and gave the whole world a new aura; Caesar…the common good fortune of all…the beginning of life and vitality…all the cities unanimously adopt the birthday of the divine Caesar as the new beginning of the year…whereas providence which has regulated our whole existence…has brought our life to the climax of perfection in giving to us the emperor Augustus…who being sent to us and our descendants as Savior, has put an end to war and has set all things in order; and whereas having become god manifest, Caesar has fulfilled all the hopes of earlier times…the birthday of the god Augustus has been for the whole world the beginning of the Gospel.’ 

Get it?  To the Roman world, a world focused on military, political, and imperial power, Augustus Caesar was the Good News.  He was the Gospel.  He was Savior and Lord.  He was the one worthy of worship.  God manifest among us!  But in Luke’s story, the tale is flipped. The angels proclaim Jesus, the manger baby, to be the Good News.  Jesus is the Gospel.  Jesus is Savior and Lord.  He is the one worthy to be worshipped.  He is God manifest among us!

This makes the angel’s announcement the most politically subversive in history.  It is the proclamation that the world’s glamorization of military, political, and imperial power isn’t all it is cracked up to be.  It is the proclamation that in God’s eyes, true power is found in humility and weakness. The proclamation that, despite what the politics of Rome proclaim, God’s politics, the politics of Christmas, points to a different reality: Jesus is Lord and Caesar is not.  If you want a Savior, a bringer of peace, you must follow Jesus, not the emperor.    

Well, that’s nice.  But does it have anything to do with us?   Of course, it does. Perhaps, at this moment in history, and in this country, it has more to do with us than at any other time in recent memory.  American society is deeply divided.  Over what?  Over who gets to play Caesar.  There’s a lot that needs to happen to bridge that divide.  A lot of soul searching, deep listening, and critical thinking needs to happen, for as Jesus said, a house divided against itself cannot stand.  But whatever the rest of society chooses to do, we who call ourselves Christians especially need to take a deep breath and search our hearts.

For the great temptation, first presented to Jesus in the wilderness (see, Luke 4:1-13) and us ever since, is that we will place our hope in power games and entangle ourselves in the politics of empire.  That we will follow imperial saviors.  That we will embrace a false Augustinian gospel, which is, as Paul would put it, no gospel at all (see, Galatians 1:6-9).  For you see, we were never meant to sing songs to the empire, be it red, blue, or purple. Be it Roman or American.  Our call has been, is, and always will be, to join the chorus of the shepherds and angels and proclaim that there is only one Gospel.  One Savior. One Lord.  One who is worthy of our worship.   He is the one born and laid in a manger, who lived to die on a cross for the sins of the world, who, from the moment of his birth, was proclaimed to rule a different kind of Kingdom; to be a different kind of King.   

That’s not to say Jesus would have nothing to say about the issues of our day, or that those who follow him should stay silent in the face of evil.  That would be wrong too.  But as we discern what we should say and do we must remember that in a world filled with those who still believe that the path to glory is the way of Augustus, who strive for, and pledge allegiance to, military, political, and imperial power, there is but one choice for those who claim the title ‘Christian.’  That choice is to forsake all other allegiances and embrace the politics of Christmas, allowing its author to inform our place and position on all matters.  This is the politics that calls us to stand only where Jesus stands and say and do only what he would say and do.

To paraphrase a line from Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw’s Jesus for President, this is the politics that will cause the faithful to say to those political, military, and imperial powers that demand their fealty: ‘Enough your imperial eagles.  Enough with your donkeys and elephants.  We pledge our allegiance to the Lamb.’

This Christmas, may we all do so.

Under Christ’s Mercy,


Note: in addition to the paraphrased quote from Claiborne and Haw, I want to credit their book for the inscription to Caesar, historical references to meaning of ‘Gospel,’ ‘Savior’ and ‘Lord,’ and the overall spirit of this post.

Boo Radley and the Gospel of Christmas

‘When Israel was a child, I loved him, and I called my son out of Egypt.  But the more I called to him, the farther he moved from me, offering sacrifices to the images of Baal and burning incense to idols.  I myself taught Israel how to walk, leading him along by the hand.  But he didn’t know or even care that it was I who took care of him.  I led Israel along with my ropes of kindness and love.  I lifted the yoke from his neck, and I myself stooped to feed him’ – Hosea 11:1-4 (New Living Translation)

Back in the 1970s, The Animals had a hit song that included the line, ‘I’m just a soul whose intentions are good, O Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.’  I sometimes think it’s a line God could sing to himself.   There are some who adhere to the theology of Homer Simpson, who once prayed, ‘O smiteful One, tell me who to smite and they shall be smoten!’  God, to many, is violent, vengeful, and vindictive. 

It doesn’t help that professing Christian promote this idea.  Some time ago, a group of ‘Christian’ protestors gathered just a block from the church where I serve bearing signs that proclaimed God’s hatred for the LGBT community, feminists, liberals, and a host of others.  And while that’s an extreme example, there are others who, while seeming more respectable, nonetheless, say things that render God unapproachable.  It’s a long and inglorious tradition.  At the time of Jesus’ birth, some religious leaders peddled a God who could only be approached with extreme trepidation.  Indeed, if you were sick, poor, or beset with problems, they said, it was almost certainly your fault, and you needed to clean up your act before God would have anything to do with you.  Far from the image of God depicted by Hosea, who led his child by the hand despite his failures, these religious leaders made God out to be the bogeyman. 

You can understand how this view came to be.  Israel’s history was ripe for misinterpretation.  Prophets repeatedly called Israel to faithfulness, warning of the consequences of turning from Yahweh, and again and again, when Israel broke faith, trouble ensued.  When she did, it was easy to interpret events to mean that God had brought wrath and violence upon his people.  In fact, God did no such thing; the people, by rejecting God’s lifegiving ways, had brought wrath and violence upon themselves.  But even as Israel faced the consequences of her foolishness, God never turned from her.  Through the same prophets who issued words of warning, God also spoke words of consolation, of his longing for his people to return to him that he might, as Hosea said a bit later in his book of prophecy, ‘love them freely’ (Hosea 14:4).  Yes, even when Israel turned, God remained faithful.  His love remained unconditional.  Somehow though, the religious leaders in the days before (and after) Jesus’ birth missed that.  They felt you had to earn God’s love, and if you didn’t, it would probably be best for you to stay away.  And so, the image of a vindictive God got all the press, and the image of the God whose sole desire was to comfort his children as a mother comforts hers, was, by and large, lost. 

But God had a plan to fix that.  Michael W. Smith has a great Christmas Song, The Final Word, wherein he sings, ‘in the space of the beginning, was the living Word of light, when that word was clearly spoken all that came to be was right.  All creation had a language, words to say what must be said, all day long the heavens whispered, signing words in scarlet red.  Some had failed to understand it, so God spoke the Final Word, on a silent night in Judah’s hills, a baby’s cry was heard.’  Christmas, folks, is God’s answer to our misconceptions about him. 

At Christmas, God, who had, as the writer of Hebrews tells us, spoken previously through the prophets, now spoke through the Son, who is no one less than God with us.  God became one of us, descending from the infinite reaches of eternity into the womb of a virgin, born as a helpless infant and laid in a feeding trough.  He became first a craftsman who understood the labor of men and then the gentle, compassionate teacher who healed the sick, lifted the despondent, shared companionship with notorious sinners, and never, not once, turned anyone away, no matter who they were, where they had been, or what they had done.  In the Incarnation, in the person of Jesus, we behold the true image of God.  An image that defies the misconceptions that have survived from the first century to our own.  Dick Westley put it this way: ‘the old image of a vindictive, mean and jealous God gives way in Jesus to the God of faith who cherishes people, all people, and has made his abode with them.  Jesus presented a God who does not demand but gives; does not oppress but raises up; does not wound but heals.  A God who forgives instead of condemning and liberates instead of punishing.’ 

This was the purpose of the Incarnation.  To, as Brennan Manning put it, ‘convince us of the faithful love of God.’ 

Some years ago, I caught a glimpse of this wonderful truth while reading one of my favorite books, To Kill a Mockingbird.  Harper Lee’s story is cherished for many reasons.  It is a story of racial injustice, of a black man, Tom Robinson, on trial in the south for a crime he didn’t commit.  It’s the story of Atticus Finch, a man of integrity who fights for justice in an unjust world (forget the version from that other book!).  It’s the coming-of-age story of Atticus’ two children, Scout, his 6-year-old tomboy daughter, and her older brother Jem.  But it’s also the story of the enigmatic Arthur Radley, known to all as Boo. 

No one really knows Boo.  Scout describes his house down the street as a home ‘inhabited by an unknown entity the mere description of whom was enough to make us behave for days on end.’  In truth, this ‘malevolent phantom’ is a 33-year-old man with special needs, but no one knows that.  The stories about him are whoppers.  Jem insists he’s ‘six feet tall, judging from his tracks,’ and ‘dines on raw squirrels and any cats he can catch.’ The rumor is that he peeps through windows at night, has bloodstained hands, a jagged scar on his face, and yellow teeth.  Everyone knows to stay away from the Radley place.  No one ever climbs the steps to say ‘hey’ on a Sunday afternoon, no one dares to pick pecans from the tree in the Radley yard.  If a baseball was hit into it, ‘it was a lost ball, no questions asked.’ 

During the course of the story, Scout and Jem become curious about Boo and begin to play games designed to make ‘Boo Radley come out’ so they can get a look at him.  They don’t really get anywhere.  But along the way, strange things happen that are not in keeping with the stories they’ve heard.  Once, while playing in a tire that accidentally rolls all the way up the Radley sidewalk onto the steps, Scout hears someone laughing inside.  Another time, after running from a failed attempt to sneak up on Boo’s back porch at night, Jem got his pants caught on barbed wire and had to run home in his underwear.  The next morning, when he went back to get them, they were mended and neatly rolled up as if they expected him.  And then there were the presents.  Scout and Jem would find them in the knothole of a tree in Boo’s yard.  Two soap dolls, a boy and girl: images of themselves.  A watch and chain.  Good luck pennies.  A ball of twine.  Chewing gum.  An old spelling bee medal.  An aluminum knife.  It should have been obvious who they came from, but with all their misconceptions, Scout and Jem never suspected that Boo was their source.

The year progresses and Atticus tries in vain to defend Tom Robinson.  The racist jury convicts him, and the hearts of the children break.  Scout thoughts increasingly tend in Boo’s direction.  Then one night walking home from a school pageant, Scout and Jem are attacked by the racist Bob Ewell, who is out for revenge against Atticus for making him look like a fool at the trial.    He’s out for blood, but suddenly from out of the woods comes the unknown hero who has been listening and watching all along.  He saves the children and carries an injured Jem home.  As folks gather at the Finch’s to figure out what happened, the hero, who is of course the misunderstood Boo Radley, huddles in the corner out of sight, as if waiting for someone to invite him in.  Scout sees he’s nothing like what people have said.  She watches as a timid smile breaks across his face.  ‘Hey Boo,’ she says.  Her father makes the introduction: ‘Jean Louise [Scout’s true name], this is Mr. Arthur Radley. I believe he already knows you.’  Smiling, he whispers to Scout, ‘Will you take me home?’  Scout does, leading Boo by the hand to his front porch.  Scout turns and looks at her town, suddenly seeing what the past year must have looked like from Boo’s perspective.  And this is what she sees:

It was summertime, and two children scampered down the sidewalk toward a man approaching in the distance…still summertime, and the children came closer… Fall, and his children fought on the sidewalk…Fall, and the children trotted to and fro around the corner, the day’s woes and triumphs on their faces.  They stopped at an oak tree, delighted, puzzled, apprehensive.  Winter, and the children shivered on the front gate…Summer again, and he watched his children’s heart’s break.  Autumn again, and Boo’s children needed him.  One time, Atticus said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.  Just standing on the Radley porch was enough.’ 

This Christmas season, as I stand on Boo’s porch with Scout, I see what it must be like for God to be misunderstood, even feared.  Maybe you, reader, are someone who has misunderstood and feared him.  Maybe you have been taught to stay away from him just as Jem and Scout were taught to keep away from the Radley place.  Maybe you would never ordinarily dare to drop by his house on a Sunday to say ‘hey.’  If so, I want you to know something.  He isn’t who you’ve been led to believe. Get the old images out of your head.  Imagine instead, a manger.  A baby.  Can you see him?  Let me introduce you.  This is Jesus.  This is God.  I believe he already knows you.  He has watched and smiled and laughed while you have played.  He has lavished all sorts of gifts upon you.  He has hurt when you hurt.  And right now, the thing he wants more than anything, is for you to invite him in.  He isn’t angry with you.  He loves you and wants to be part of your life.  This Christmas, I pray you let him in. 

Under Christ’s Mercy,
