Born in America?

Special guest piece by President Donald Trump

Fellow Americans,

It’s a great day.  A huge day.  A day for making America great.  America wasn’t always great.  She was great once.  Then not so great.  But now, thanks to me, great again.  It’s important that we keep America great.  Very important.  Because not everyone wants her to be great.  But we are great. 

My staff is nodding at me.  I think they want me to write about, oh yes, Kamala Harris.  You know, some very bright people, highly qualified, very talented people are pointing out she wasn’t really born in America.  Like Obama wasn’t.  You know he never really produced a birth certificate.  The FAKE NEWS LIBERAL MEDIA said he did.  But he didn’t.  A lot of people said it wasn’t authentic.  Smart people.  And now, here we are again.  The Democrats are conning America once more.  And I should know.  I know a con when I see one.  I practically invented the con.  Ask anyone.  Everyone’s talking about it.

But back to Kamala.  Some called me a racist because I said that Obama wasn’t born in America.  People are always ganging up on me like that.   I’ve been treated worse than Lincoln.   Who was shot and killed but I’ve still been treated worse.  Way worse.  I’m sure I’ll be called racist for pointing this out about Kamala too.  She’s nasty by the way.  Very nasty.  A mad, nasty woman.  And too ambitious.  Lots of people tell me so.  The best people.  But I’m not a racist.  I’m the least racist person in the world.  Just ask all those good people in Charlottesville.

I have nothing against Kamala.  Or Obama really.  Other than that they are HORRIBLE people who want to steal our history and heritage and take down our monuments to our glorious Confederate heroes.  It’s just that, and this is just common sense, no one of color was EVER born in America.  How could they have been? Some say they were.  But that’s the biggest con ever.  Or maybe it’s not.  Who knows?  All I know is that this stuff works.  My supporters eat it up.  They’re not racist either you know.  Just good people who question whether any and all people of color are born in America.  Which only makes sense.  Maybe not to you.  But to me.  And I should know because I have a HUGE brain.  VERY STABLE GENIUS.   I passed a cognitive test to prove it.  Sleepy Joe couldn’t pass it but I did.  He should take it.  He won’t though.  Because he knows he can’t.  But I can. That’s how I know that America is for white people.  And Native Americans.  Well, not really.  Except Senator Pocahontas.  But then again you never really know.  She’s a nasty woman too. 

Probably wasn’t born in America. 

Making America White Great Again,

Donald J. Trump