Mary’s Oil

A Meditation on Mark 14:1-9

I’m not going to stop evil. 

Not entirely.

I mean, who ever did?

It’s like perpetual motion,

a machine that won’t stop.

A devouring, raging brute,

clawing its way from age to age. 

I read the signs, my heart flutters

to history’s latest frenzy. 

Things fall apart, as Yeats observed. 

All I can do is break my flask,

offer my libation,

proffer my resistance,

pour out my love,

as small and meaningless

as these may seem. 

But at least He will know.

At least the fragrance

will fill the room –

if only for a moment. 

What good will it possibly do? 

Perhaps no more than a fleeting respite. 

Or, perhaps, by God’s grace,

all the good in the world.    

Time will tell. 

Under Christ’s Mercy,


Dark Sunrise

I rose before first light

to behold the sunrise

on the morning after

a drenching winter rain.

But the sky was darkened

by long trains of clouds,

racing across the heavens

on stacked parallel tracks

as if to keep a schedule.

So I did not see the sun rise.

But I did see her light.

And a kettle of vultures

shaking off their slumber

to spread their wings and take

possession of the skies.

I heard the dark eyed junco,

with his feathered cousins,

the wren, sparrow, and jay,

battling the morning cardinal

for supremacy in song.

I heard the roosters crowing,

calling the monks to Lauds,

if any could be found, and

felt the breath of a new day

filling my lungs with glory.

I did not see the sun rise,

But she rose just the same.

Under Christ’s Mercy,


Benefits of the Singularity: An Essay

Name: Donald Zuckerberg

Date: January 24, 16 A.O.A.

Class: 8th Grade

Subject: History

Teacher: Musk Avatar 3000

Location: Subterranean Station 775

Essay Topic: Benefits of the Singularity

It’s the year 16 A.O.A. (After Our Ascension), or, for the Neo-Luddite’s who insist on using the old Gregorian calendar, 2052, and there has never been a better time to be alive!

True enough, the scorching temperatures at the surface have forced everyone to live either underground, as I do, or on a Blue Origin Satellite Station (at least those of us who can afford it).  But the stunning simultaneous achievement of Artificial Super Intelligence, Biometric engineering, Neuro-Nanotechnology and the perfection of gene manipulation techniques in the year zero (aka ‘The Event’) has, among other blessings, brought an end to the indignity of labor (aside from the writing of this essay) and enabled the entire human race (at least those of us who can afford it) to enjoy unlimited amounts of leisure time.  What we used to call ‘work’ is now taken care of, here below, by the lesser drones of our AI overlords, and, on the surface, by those unfortunate humans who, probably as a result of either laziness or stupidity (or a combination of both) foolishly refused any and all of the many available biometric implants, genetic improvements or positronic enhancements.  For those of us here below, or way up above, life has never been better!

But by far the greatest gift of our age is the gift of immortality (at least for those who can afford it).  Long Before I was born, when people’s bodies wore out, people would just…die!  Can you believe it!   Now, we can extend human biological life for decades, all the way up to the age of 125!  And when a person’s body wears out, we just download their brain data to our Advanced Afterlife Machines (AAMs)! From there, people can live on and continue to interact with their friends, family, and world in digital form forever.  This is our new heaven! In the words of that ancient trumpeter and balladeer Louis Armstrong, ‘What a Wonderful World!’

Nowhere have we been more blessed by these developments than in the field of politics. In the old days, we had things called ‘elections.’   Our AI overlords, and our long serving President, Donald J. Trump, praise be unto his name, often remind us  of  how horrible those days were.  Before The Event, our Lord and Savior had to fight all sorts of unjust systems to stay in power.  There was an alternative political party, if you can believe it, that once threatened, and even interrupted, his reign!   In 2028, four years after he had wrested it back with the help of the Founding Tech Overlords (including, of course, my Dad), he needed the help of something the ancients called a ‘Supreme Court’ to allow him to hold office for a third term, and in 2032, he and the Blessed and Eternal Party (BEP, formerly known as the GOP), had to formally abolish the wicked and nasty Constitution (something they had already by and large achieved by 2026) to hold on to power.   But since the event, we have never had to worry about elections again!  When the year Zero came around, they were simply called off, and our Lord’s brain was simply uploaded into the first AAM, from which he has ruled and reigned ever since!  Now he is everywhere!  Watching everyone’s every move! Sharing the joyful meanderings of his very stable genius mind with the masses, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Oh, how we have benefited from his surpassing wisdom! Thanks be to God (that’s him now) and to the armies of AI Droids who enforce his will at every level of society!

The future is just so bright now (especially on the surface).  There is talk these days of uploading all of us into the AAM in a few years, decades before our projected natural deaths, that we might live whole and free, interfacing with the essence of our eternal leader and all the greats who went before us (at least those who could afford to be so uploaded).  Aside from the obvious benefits, this will save us all from the daily risk we face of having our lives cut short by all the flying bullets fired from the plethora of automatic and semi-automatic firearms that exist in our society (everyone owns them, even in the space stations, they kept that part of the Constitution of course) or by the marauding unwashed hordes from the surface who raid our tunnels from time to time in search of food and water (thank the Lord and Savior for his army of defense droids!).  

Until that glorious upload comes, I will grow and mature as I continue to receive implants and genetic modification treatments to help me endure the radiation that somehow manages to seep down into even the lowest levels of our subterranean paradise, rest assured that my well-being will always be first and foremost on the mind of our great leader. 

There has simply never been a better time to be alive! 

A Forest Trail

Is there anything more lovely

than the sight of a forest trail,

when you are standing at its head

where it stretches to who knows where?

More beautiful still are those that

rise in uneven stairs fashioned

by rangy and gnarled tree roots,

inviting you to step up and in

to wherever they wish to take you.

Proceed at your peril dear traveler,

for beyond the sylvan horizon

are treasures beyond imagining

that will make your life seem dull

despite its urban complexity.

Once you touch the face of God

your heart will burn forever.

Under Christ’s Mercy,



As snow falls tenderly to earth,

so mercy alights on stony hearts,

softening their terrain.

Or so I would like to believe.

I saw a gentle prophet

speak words of mercy,

words of grace,

as truth sprung forth in love

spoken on behalf of the vulnerable

who lie in the crosshairs of a Caesar

whom, I must confess, I despise.

Her pacific tone reminded me

that even he needs mercy,

as do we all.

O God of mercy

let your snow fall freshly,

to tenderize his heart of stone

for the sake of the vulnerable.

For his sake too.


Under Christ’s Mercy,


Inspired by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s plea to Donald Trump at the January 21, 2025 Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral.

The Gift of the Magi

Make me a star dear Lord

A bright, shining incandescence

Set against the malignant darkness.

Remove all hatred from my heart

That I may become a vessel of peace.

That I may see my enemies

Not as monsters to be slain,

But as victims to be rescued.

May I be filled with a holy love,

The kind that forgives as you forgive,

Even when nailed to a tree.

May my light be impossible to miss

That all I pass, or who pass by me,

Might stop…





And Follow my gaze to you.

May my luminous words and actions

provoke such irresistible curiosity

That people will have no choice

But to put on sunglasses,

The magic kind that reveals

The world you desire,

Where swords become plowshares,

Spears, pruning hooks,

Where hate is swallowed up in love

And dread dissolved in hope.

Where enemies become brothers,

And the whole Earth finds salvation.


Make me a star dear Lord

A bright shining incandescence

Set against the malignant darkness.

Under Christ’s Mercy,


Limping Through Advent

During the night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two servant wives, and his eleven sons and crossed the Jabbok River with them.  After taking them to the other side, he sent over his possessions.  This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until dawn began to break…

– Genesis 32:22-24

When I first received this assignment, I wondered why God would ask me, Jacob, to write to you during Advent.  I’m not exactly your typical Advent character.  Usually people want to hear about Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Magi, or one of the other heroes of the Nativity story.  Not only am I historically distant from those events, I’m nobody’s hero.  Maybe that’s why…maybe God wants you to hear from someone who isn’t a hero.  Someone who might even be a little like you.

Many of you know the basics of my story.  I was born second in my family, having lost a nine month race with my twin brother Esau by mere seconds.  I hated being second, even from birth apparently, so much so that I entered the world grasping my brother’s heel in an effort to overtake him.  That’s how I got my name: Jacob means, ‘he usurps.’  It also means, ‘he deceives,’ or ‘he finagles.’  Yep.  That’s me.  A usurper, a deceiver, a finagler.  About as far from a hero as you get, I suppose. 

I lived up to my name early and often, eventually conniving my way into possession of Esau’s birthright and blessing, which by custom were his as the firstborn.  The latter I gained by tricking my sick and blind father into thinking I was Esau.  Pretty bad, huh?  Not that it bothered me at the time.  Again, I never liked second place, and I had always stood there in my father’s eyes.  His greater love was for Esau, probably because he reminded him of his estranged brother Ishmael.  It was unfair.  Wrong.  I figured I was entitled to set things right.

There were consequences of course.  When Esau found out what I’d done, he consoled himself with thoughts of murdering me.  I guess I didn’t blame him, but I wasn’t about to let him put his dark fantasies into action.  So I high tailed it from my father’s lands to find a wife in the land of my ancestors.  And that’s when the first truly significant thing happened to me. 

Stopping for the night near the town of Luz, I had the most remarkable dream.  I saw stairs reaching to the heavens, with angels going up and down.  I’d never imagined that heaven and earth were so close.  From the top of the stairs I heard the voice of God for the first time.  ‘I am Yahweh,’ he said, and spoke of the promises made to my grandfather Abraham, which now, he said, fell to me: land, descendants as numerous as the dust, blessing for the whole world.  Then he said, ‘I am with you Jacob, and will protect you wherever you go.  One day, I will bring you back to this land.  I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.’  Quite a promise, huh?  To think that God would bestow such a promise on the likes of me. 

With the promises of God in my back pocket, I went to Haran, where long story short, I continued my finagling ways.  For twenty years I built quite the shepherding business, and along the way picked up two wives, two servant wives, and eleven children.  Then one day, I heard God’s voice again, telling me to go home, and reminding me that he would be with me.  On the one hand, I was glad for an excuse to leave my father-in-law Laban, who besides me, was the biggest finagler I ever met, but on the other, well, what if Esau still wanted to kill me?  I’d like to tell you that I left for home because I believed God’s promise, but honestly, it had more to do with my desire to get away from Laban.  I was half eager, half scared out of my sandals as I made my way across the desert sands.

Along the way, God sent angels to meet me, further assurance of his protection.  But even so, I wasn’t exactly what you would call confident in my faith.  I was really limping along in it.  So imagine my terror when the messengers I had sent to convince Esau I was coming in friendship came back with the news that Esau was on his way in the company of an army of 400 men.  What did I do?   I prayed.  I begged for deliverance.  I reminded God of his promises.  I tried my best to believe in them myself.  And then, proving I did not, I sent more messengers ahead, this time with cattle, goats, sheep, and donkeys as gifts for my brother, hoping these might appease his wrath.  My family and I stayed behind, waiting for news.  Eventually, I sent them across the river too.  And that’s when God came near. 

He didn’t just stand atop a stairway this time.  HE CAME NEAR.  In my most desperate moment.  My finagling ways had finally caught up with me.  I was alone, ruminating over the course of my life, the things I’d done, the things I might have done differently.  Doubting God’s promises.  I mean, seriously, why would he ever protect a guy like me?  It’s funny really, how God meets us where we are.  There I was, wrestling with my faith, so God came to wrestle with me.  I guess it was the only way to get my attention. 

So there we were, rolling in the mud of the Jabbok from dusk till dawn.  I fought him with all I had, something, I suddenly realized, I had been doing all my life.  And then, in a beautifully poetic moment, knowing he had not prevailed over me by conventional means, he wrenched my hip.  Sometimes, you see, when we won’t listen to God, he does something drastic to get our attention.  As one of your poets, Michael Card, has said, ‘pain is [sometimes] the path to blessing.  Love will fight us to be found.’  Well, mission accomplished.  I shouted, ‘I won’t let you go until you bless me!’ I begged to know his name.  He just smiled and said, ‘why do you want to know my name?’  And I remembered he’d already told me long ago, at Luz: Yahweh.  The God who had already blessed me.  And right there, close as breath, he blessed me again.  I walked the rest of my life with a limp, a reminder of the night when God came near.  A night when God condescended to roll in the mud, to get dirty, just to reach a finagling doubter like me. 

The morning after, I met my brother.  Turns out I had nothing to worry about.  Esau greeted me with pure grace.  All had long since been forgiven.  We both wept like children, I more than he.  I told him, barely able to get the words out, that seeing his face was like seeing the face of God.  And so it was. 

But what does this have to do with you, dear reader? Well, you’re here reading my story in the season of Advent.  Celebrating something that, if you haven’t quite made the connection, isn’t all that different from my night at the Jabbok: the time when God came near.  Perhaps you wonder if that story is for you.  Perhaps, like me, you doubt God would ever take up with the likes you.  Maybe your past isn’t as bad as mine, but it might be bad enough.  Or maybe you have trouble believing God’s promises.  You’ve sensed God in his heaven, heard his still small voice, and yet, struggle to believe.  Maybe you’ve been wrestling with belief your whole life.  I want you to know, that all of that is the reason why God came near at Christmas.  It is the reason why he went so far as to come into our world, to roll in its mud, to get dirty.  Sometimes you see, God has to do something unconventional to get our attention.  Sometimes, he has to meet us where we are.   

This Christmas, know that he has done this for you.  Whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, whatever you’ve done.  You may be limping right now, but trust me, you are loved and blessed beyond imagining.

You are the reason that God came near.

Under Christ’s Mercy,


Author’s note: Looking this over, I suspect that there are echoes of a couple of old sermons by Jurgen Moltmann and Max Lucado latent in this monologue. I have not intentionally quoted them, but it is right that I give credit and thank them for their inspiration.

A Very Precious Christmas

Dear Hallmark Channel,

After watching many of your films with my wife (okay, after repeatedly walking into the room while my wife is watching them only to be asked to leave as a result of my incessant mockery of the acting, script, etc.) I had a brainstorm for what just might be the greatest movie you will ever make.  Here is my proposal, submitted for your consideration. 

A Very Precious Christmas

A Hallmark Original Production

Starring Andy Serkis

Plot: In the enchanting town of Bree, a peculiar and mischievous traveler named Gollum arrives in search of his precious lost ring (which was stolen by some nasty hobbit). This ring, a cherished memento he ‘found’ on his birthday, holds great sentimental value to him. However, Gollum leads a lonely life, as the destructive powers of the ring, made as it was by the Dark Lord of Mordor, have made him both hideous and violent.  Moreover, he has become so obsessed with his ring that he has never found time for love.  No one understands him.  Or, perhaps, they understand him too well…

As Bree prepares for its annual holiday festival, Gollum’s quest to find his ring intertwines with the life of Lily, the daughter of Barliman Butterbur, proprietor of The Prancy Pony, the town’s beloved and quaint local inn. Lily is at a crossroads in her life, unsure if she wants to follow in her father’s footsteps. She feels the weight of his expectations and the uncertainty of her future. Gollum is taken with Lily the moment he sees her. Despite her conflicted and frenzied personality, he can’t get her out of his mind.  Probably because she’s hot.

Lily, along with her playful puppy, Sam, is inexplicably drawn to Gollum and decides to help him. He’s hideous, but she can tell that deep down, he is someone special; it’s almost like there’s another half of him in there somewhere, if she could only draw it out.  As they embark on a whimsical journey to recover the lost ring, Lily discovers her own path and passions. Through their adventures, Gollum and Lily learn about friendship, love, self-discovery, and the true spirit of Christmas.

In this soon to be classic’s heartwarming climax, as the snow begins to fall gently around them, Gollum, who now goes by his long lost name Smeagol, finds his precious ring. He turns to Lily, realizing that the true treasure he’s found is her companionship. They share a tender kiss under the twinkling Christmas lights. As they part, Gollum whispers, “My precious,” with a twinkle in his eye.

Tagline: “Sometimes, the most precious gift is the one you didn’t expect.”

Trust me Hallmark!  I know, I know, it could be the worst installment in The Lord of the Rings franchise, but it will surely be the best darn Hallmark movie ever!

Respectfully submitted,

Brent Miller

(With a little help from Copilot AI)


They watch me build the altar,

Setting stones one by one.

Rock by rock I raise this pyre

Praying God will light the fire.

I thrust my spade into dry ground

Moving earth on every side.

The sand and rock piles high and steep.

The trench descends three gallons deep.

I lay the wood I hope will burn

The sacrificial beast.

An image once of strength and might.

It’s eyes now fade with dying light. 

I’ve finished now what I’ve begun,

Save to douse all chance of fire’s natural rise.

What happens next must be divine.

Lest people think the glory mine.

Great God of many names!

You alone – Ignite the flame!

Cleanse dull minds that all may see:

This is of you, and not of me.

The fire flashes, blinding, bright.

All eyes go dim, and then, true sight.

I am reduced to clay and sod.

The cry goes forth, ‘Yahweh is God.’

Under Christ’s Mercy,


(Inspired by 1 Kings 18:20-39).

Meditation on John 19:28-30

Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfill scripture, he said, ‘I am thirsty.’ A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips. When Jesus had tasted it, he said, ‘It is finished.’ Then he bowed his head and released his Spirit.

What is a man to do,

When given sour wine?

When bitter grapes replace the sweet?

When innocence and violence meet?

When anger rises in his breast?

When those around him serve up death?

There was a man

Who cried with thirst

Under a blackened sky.

They offered him such bitter drink

And stood to watch him die.

Yet tasting it

He did not spit

Nor call out for their blood.

He spoke a prayer,

Then bowed his head,

And gave his life to God.

Under Christ’s Mercy,
